Top 5 Ways To Make Money Selling Online Courses

Online courses are selling like hotcakes in today’s market. However, with everyone choosing to take this direction, finding the right footing and making profits from your course can be a hard nut to crack. So, many educators still wonder if this is even possible in the first place.

Everything is now moving online. With increasing advancements in technology, don’t be surprised when, sometimes soon, very few people are stepping into an office to work. If you are an educator, there are a variety of ways you can earn money by offering your course online. Yes, it is possible and lucrative.


This opportunity is particularly useful for individuals who have busy schedules. Without taking up a lot of your time, here are the top five proven ways you can make money by selling your courses online. Continue reading to learn how you can offer your services and make money online.

online courses

Charge An Upfront Fee

Before your students even sign up for the course, you can choose to charge a certain amount. This is one way to guarantee commitment on the part of the student. After all, most of the courses are always paid upfront, so there shouldn’t be any issues at all. Paying upfront makes it easier to justify and keep track of payments as opposed to having smaller recurring payments.

If you are looking at selling more courses later on, then asking for upfront fees will make it that much easier. This is because, when students are paying upfront, it helps them know what to expect as opposed to when they pay a monthly subscription.


Charge For Certification

We have seen online courses that are free but will charge you if you need a certificate. Coursera has used this a lot, and it is believed that they earned up to $1 million in their first year. Because the essential part is the course is being offered for free, it’s easier for people to trust and sign up for the course.

Certificates also have a high value, which will make it easy for customers to desire to pay. Therefore, if you want to offer your course for free, you can consider selling the certification.

Charge For Subscription

If you go to most institutions, you are required to pay tuition upfront. However, some charge a recurring fee,  provided that the student continues the courses. This will work best if you are wanting to create an ongoing class that students can rely on at any time. This will also show commitment from both parties.


Be Different

In today’s age, uniqueness is the way to go. Forget about people who charge monthly subscriptions or who pay per course, you can choose to be different. For instance, you can decide to offer introductory classes for free and then charge for the rest of the course. This allows people to “taste” what will be found in the entire course. Think outside the box with your pricing schemes; make them enticing for your students and potential clients.

online courses

Pre-Sell Your Online Course

Well, if you conduct a fast online search, you will realize that many businesses are choosing to move in this direction. This model is working for so many reasons. Plus, it gives you a rough idea of what your learners are most interested in. It also motivates you to create your online courses without always worrying about whether or not anyone will want to sign up.

Bottom Line

As you can see, there are numerous options one can sell their online courses without following the traditional way path. Always be innovative and think beyond the box. If all else fails, ask for some feedback from those who take your online courses; see what models your students prefer.

Also read – Learn Theology With These Free Online Courses