How to Start a Career Working in a National Park

Imagine a career where you are paid to lead people through the Florida Everglades or even serve them drinks as you watch birds chirping in the distance. Though this might sound like a dream, for others it is part of their job description. The good news is, you too can live this life and work in your favorite national park.

You may be wondering what types of careers are available to folks like you. Well, there are many. From working in recreational and historical sites to protecting and managing parks, the list is endless. The good news is that you can quickly advance to the level of park director, park superintendent, and so on. 


If you have a strong interest in nature, then this is the right post for you. Read along with us and find out what it takes to start a career working in a national park. You will be prepared to begin working at your dream job after reading this article.

national park

Duties and Responsibilities of People Working in National Parks

As a park ranger, you will be tasked with several responsibilities ranging from code enforcement to visitor services to even environmental stewardship. You will be required to maintain natural, historical, and scientific information and also to protect the park against any form of theft, damage, or any other kind of danger or harm.

You should have excellent communication skills because part of your job description will be to communicate with the public daily as you direct them or answer whatever questions they might have. You will also be required to attend to them in the event that there are any complaints.


Typically, as a park ranger, you are typically supposed to work outside. You may be expected to work at an office on occasion to complete paperwork. You might also consider specializing in specific areas such as backcountry, which entails working in remote areas. You could also become an interpretive park ranger (these usually educate the public), a snow ranger, or even a water-based ranger.

Skills Needed to Work in a National Park

You should be physically fit since you will be expected to take long walks and stand for most of the day. You must be able to work well with people and have strong communication abilities. It would be advantageous if you were also well-versed in the nature and geography of the forest where you will be working. You also must be willing to work well under pressure and to work for long hours as well.

What Kind of National Park Jobs Are Available?

There are so many jobs in this line of work that are available. The only challenge you might face is zeroing down on a particular one. It can be quite hard and overwhelming to find one specific thing that you like from this lengthy list. Here are some jobs you might be interested in.

  • Rafting guide
  • Hiking guide
  • Boat instructor
  • Kayak tour guide
  • Concierge
  • Cook
  • Server
  • Housekeeping
  • Retail associate
  • From desk manager
  • Driver
  • Deckhand
  • Fuel dock attendant

How Much Will You Earn Working in a National Park?

Pay varies depending on location, the nature of the job, and which state you live in. Some jobs might pay minimum wage, whereas others can pay up to $20 per hour. Also, some jobs receive tips, such as servers, drivers, bellhops, and baristas, whereas others depend solely on salary. When you put all the incentives together, they might be in a better position to earn more, but this all goes back to where you are working. The good thing is that you can advance to higher positions as long as you have the necessary skills and experience. 

national park

Bottom Line

If you have always had a passion for nature and want to work in a national park, we hope that these pointers will assist you in starting your career hunt. Who knows, soon you might be the next tour guide in the Florida Everglades. In any case, we wish you the best of success with your job search.

Also readGreat Jobs For Outdoorsy People