Great Jobs For Outdoorsy People

Is the idea of an office job filling you with dread? Are you an outdoorsy person? Do you feel more comfortable with hiking boots or scuba gear than you do with a suit? People are increasingly opting for professions that enable them to benefit from nature and pursue jobs in outdoor activities. Whether you’re dreaming of being a ski instructor, a lifeguard, a surveyor, or a marine biologist, there are chances that an outdoor career will match your aspirations.

You can be a lumber worker who spends long, tiring days falling trees or even an employee at a national park where you have to clean up after visitors. Even when circumstances aren’t ideal, several people simply prefer a lifestyle or occupation that allows them to avoid four walls and a ceiling.

With so much variety, suitable roles can be found among those with educational backgrounds ranging from trade schools to doctoral programs. Read on to learn more about the myriad options available for outdoor careers. Who knows, maybe one of these will take you all the way to your retirement.

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Operating in the firefighting field involves courage, strength, and self-sacrifice. At a moment’s notice, individuals need to be ready to throw themselves into an emergency situation. Although it doesn’t consist of fighting a raging fire every day, many days do require such. Firefighters may find themselves fighting a large forest fire, or working to rescue residents from a complex of smoking apartments. The field has its dangers and those who consider it should be aware of that right from the beginning.


As long as our economy is dependent on extracting materials from the earth, we will need people to figure out where to dig. Geoscientists examine the exterior and interior of the planet to learn about its characteristics and suggest where to find valuable products, such as oil, gas, and minerals.

While extraction firms always need support with research and recommendations as to where to look, career options also include working with public agencies and private firms studying the earth for other features. This could include measuring geological events or seismic activity on the earth and under the oceans. The length of time outside varies, but often fieldwork is needed, sometimes in remote locations.

Recreation Worker

Fitness and recreation workers work hard to help people play hard. They prevent accidents in public places, supervising activities such as hiking, horseback riding, and kayaking. They may also work as a yoga instructor in a local studio or even supervise public recreation facilities and parks.

Aerobics teachers, camp staff, recreation leaders, and recreation and park managers are among the professionals who fall under this umbrella term. The settings in which they work are equally diverse – from the outdoors in a summer camp to the inside of an office cubicle to a cruise ship sailing the seas.

Marine Biologist

The marine biology area guarantees an awesome career focused on learning about various organisms, plants, and animals living in seas and oceans worldwide. With several possibilities of study diverging into one career, professionals in the areas of biology, ecology, geology, chemistry, and physics can work in this field. Their work is as diverse as the underwater life they are studying, varying from chances to work with research firms and aquariums to environmental organizations and government agencies.

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Enthusiasts of nature and the outdoors say that they have the best “office” or workspace. For them, being outdoors is something that gets their nerves moving and makes them feel more alive. For more careers, click here.

Also read – How to Start a Career Working in a National Park