Top 5 Apps to Find Au Pair Jobs

If you are an adult and ready to offer some domestic help to a local or international family, au pair jobs might interest you. Although mainly for females, these days more and more males are getting seen in this domain, and your work may vary from changing diapers to giving English lessons.

And in fact, you may need to do any work that is a part of their life. Therefore, it will vary from family to family. To find an au pair position, you can start your search from these five apps.


Au Pair Legend

Au Pair Legend offers host families and au pairs the possibility to search for each other using their simple, specially designed mobile app. The first step is to register for free on the app. After signing up, you’ll receive suggestions for matching profiles according to your search criteria and can send so-called standard messages on AuPairWorld to get in touch with your favorite candidates.

The parties have the opportunity to contact each other directly using the app’s messaging system. This way, they can exchange all the necessary information. Unfortunately, the Au Pair Legend app isn’t available in all countries. You may want to contact the developer or publisher for more information.

Top 5 Apps to Find Au Pair Jobs 1

Au Pair Assist

Applying to be an au pair is simple and easy with the Au Pair Assist app. This Android app is smart enough to recommend host families to you that match your profile.


Both host families and au pairs will get support, guidance, tips, mentoring, links, and everything they need to ensure the experience will be a great one for everyone. Unfortunately, Au Pair Assist is only available in Australia, and Brisbane. Permits and entry formalities will need more time.

Jobs in Australia-Au Jobs

Jobs in Australia is a leading job site with dozens of listings from several websites, including newspaper classifieds, job boards, etc. You can search by keyword, job title, location, and so forth. The Au Jobs app is one of the great places where you can find and apply for au pair jobs online.


Craigslist has helped thousands of job seekers find the right company for them. Its search engines let you find by keyword, category, location, salary, etc. However, it takes some time to analyze all available job offers through Craigslist. Understand which ones match your profile, and you may just find the perfect au pair job for you!



LinkedIn is a popular networking app that allows job seekers and employers to connect. As a job seeker, you can use your profile as your resume. Moreover, you can participate in conversations, join groups, and follow agencies you find relevant to your LinkedIn au pair job search. They also have premium paid features that offer more advantages.


Au pair jobs are not a myth. They are a reality that helps people to earn a decent income, as long as they work hard for it like any other job. It is something you’re going to have to take your time on. In the end, however, things should go well for you. Check out any of the above au pair job search apps as you head forth in your search efforts.

Also read – How To Narrow Down Your Job Search And Make Each Application Count

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