How Much Can One Make Washing Cars? Find Out Here

We are in a world where everyone is searching the Internet on how to make a side income. But, what if we took up washing cars and other manual labor jobs to earn on the side, as we did in the old-fashioned way?

Is it a feasible side hustle? Can one make a decent income from this kind of business? The answer is a big Yes! However, building and coming up with this business idea goes beyond registering it and getting certificates.


Let’s read on and find out more, as the following insights will help you get an idea of how much money you can make washing cars.

Washing Cars

Costs Associated with Washing Cars

The important question is, how much do you need to invest to start a car-washing side gig? Well, you do not have to go all out with this business; you can begin with the fundamentals: soap, car shampoo, water, and a bucket. However, if you wish to provide more premium services, you might have to invest in more supplies.

Such supplies will cost from $20 to $100, depending on the brand. The good news is that if you start small, you might have to cut on these costs. Insurance is something you shouldn’t forget, either, as your business starts. It’s essential to know the risks associated with your business. What if you accidentally put a dent in a car while washing it? Are you financially prepared to pay for it? If not, insurance will be your savior here.


How Much Can You Make with a Car-Washing Business?

As long as you are offering quality services, be sure to get return clients. So, if a client is impressed, the chances are high that they will come back again. Aside from that, the best way to run your business is by setting up a starting price.

For instance, if you charge $15 for a basic wash and you get 10 clients in a month, that could be enough to pay your water bills and buy more supplies. The amount you earn highly depends on how many clients you will be able to attract to your business and how motivated you are towards your work.

Attracting Customers to Your Business

You have your business idea in a plan, business plan check, and have identified a location; the next thing to do is to find clients. So, how can you attract customers to your company?


Door to door kind of advertising and even offering discounts are some of the best ways to advertise your business. However, you need to have excellent interpersonal and marketing skills. Start with people within your area and convince them of how good you are at what you do. Offer a first wash for free and give it your best. After that, you can also offer discounts if they sign up for monthly washes, for instance.

Spread your ideas by word of mouth and put up flyers. This kind of advertising has worked for so many businesses that are still flourishing. Do you know people who own cars? Let them know about your business and give them your card. Do not sound pushy or desperate; let them know how you will offer great deals and fantastic work.


The business of washing cars is one of the most old-fashioned yet profitable businesses around. As long as you are focused and determined, this business will earn you a decent paycheck on the side. As a pro tip, ensure you are in good health and physically fit before you start. You want to be able to work on all levels.

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