How to Make Money as a Photographer

A photographer making a business out of their art are using advanced technology to take photos and create prints and make digital copies of their work. Photographers are familiar with using skilled cameras and lighting equipment, designing images, collaborating with their subjects, and editing their work to improve or delete those elements.

Many photographers are self-employed and must sell their products to potential customers. Additionally, many record special events such as weddings or photos of individuals, families, or children.


Photojournalists work for newspapers and magazines, while those photographing in fine art can sell their work in art galleries, art shows, or online.

A photographer can explore lots of options for a career. Photo credits to:

Training to Become a Photographer

Photographers develop their technical and artistic abilities in a variety of ways. Others teach themselves, while others take photography classes or graduate from college. In many technical and community colleges, photography courses are offered, and you can develop your skills in one class at a time before graduating.

Students can take a course on photography basics, including lighting and working with electronic and film cameras. Generally, courses are also offered in various types of photography, such as landscape photography, portrait photography, and wildlife photography.


Types of Careers as a Photographer

Here are a few types of careers you can explore in this field.

Wedding Photography

As a profession, being a wedding photographer in a wide variety of settings and groups requires an exciting combination of portraiture and event photography. Wedding photography is pretty intense, with an aspect that gives you the best shot you can on the first try and a few second chances afterward.

Portrait Photography

Portraiture is one of the most universal styles we find when considering career options. The kinds of photography that portraits can include are incredible. For every phase of life, retail customers are looking for portrait photographers: maternity and newborns, college images, senior pictures, and general family pictures.


Fine Art Photography

In galleries and art shows, fine art photographers display their work and generally sell their customers a finished framed print product. Fine art photography might be of any subject at all, but the most common are probably landscape and portrait artists. The purpose of fine art images is to capture emotional responses and communicate with the public.

Average Salary of a Photographer

The average annual salary of one working in the United States as of May 2011 was $36,580, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. On average, during this time, photographers earned $17.59 per hour.

Job Prospects

Those with strong technical and artistic skills and excellent business skills can build for themselves a successful business. Clients employ you based on the strength of your portfolio. As you gain experience, they should be able to attract larger clients, be it higher-paid wedding or private photography jobs, corporate clients, or regional and national magazines and newspapers.

Taking on little tasks or serving as an assistant to an established photographer, self-employed workers can begin their careers. Building a strong portfolio is crucial to attracting potential buyers, so you must take every opportunity to add to your own fresh, quality work. It’s also essential to know how to market yourself and your business.


There’s no better time to start than now if you’ve always wanted to pursue this career. Do all due diligence, do your homework, and begin to build a strong portfolio. If you plan to have a start-up business related to photography, click here for more tips.

Also read – How to Work in Professional Product Photography