How to Make Money Working as a Catering Manager

Are you a strong leader with a passion for food? If so, then considering a career as a catering manager would be a smart move.

Your role, among others, is to plan, develop, and organize food services for different organizations and businesses.

As you carry out your various managing duties, you ought to keep in mind your client’s expectations as well as their financial targets. Continue reading to find out more about this profession.

Catering Manager

Roles and Responsibilities of a Catering Manager

Generally, your task is to lead a team of chefs and other assistants in the kitchen. You should ensure that the food being prepared meets the standards of the hotel or location you are catering. Are clients complaining about anything on the menu? How about hygiene in the kitchen? You should take care of all these concerns and make sure everything runs according to plan.

Other duties include consulting chefs as you come up with a better plan for the menu.

  • You should also order supplies in the kitchen.
  • You will also be responsible for training, hiring, and motivating staff, according to their performance.
  • You should be responsible for keeping the health standards of the kitchen top-notch.
  • Last but not least, you should also consider the quality of the products provided.

Whereas most catering managers don’t travel (unless you work for weddings, conferences, and other organizations that require constant movement), you might land opportunities to work abroad. However, before you decide whether this is the career you want, be assured of working long hours.

Salary Expectations of a Catering Manager

Just like it is with many other jobs, your salary will largely depend on the kind of business you are working for, the size, and which region or state you live in. Having said that, if you are just an assistant catering manager, you will receive between $16,000 and $20,000 yearly. 

On the other hand, catering managers usually receive between $22,000 to $45,000. Heads of catering and operations generally earn $50,000, and others earn between $60,000 to over $100,000 depending on the region and your responsibilities.

On top of your salary, you get incentives such as a pension, company car to run errands, health insurance, bonuses, and others like gym memberships. Who wouldn’t want such perks?

Qualifications Needed to Become a Catering Manager

The wonderful thing about this career is that you can begin without any certifications. All that is important is your experience, personal qualities, and skills. These will sell you more than any degree or certificate. However, if you want to pursue a course related to this field, there are several on the market, including the following.

  • Culinary arts
  • Hotel catering studies
  • Business studies
  • Management studies
  • Food science and technology
  • Hotel management
  • Hospitality management

Large companies, for example, usually offer candidates who have done all sorts of courses as long as they have the skills necessary to do such jobs. Like I mentioned before, your skills are your biggest asset when applying for catering management jobs.

How to Find Catering Manager Jobs

Finding catering manager jobs is quite easy. However, with job searching, you need to be persistent and hardworking to land a lucrative job. Do not just be discouraged because you have been turned down. First of all, if you do not even know where to start looking, check prisons, hotels, hospitals, cruise ships, armed forces, retail outlets, schools, universities, hostels, and so much more in this category.

Alternatively, apply online. Several websites advertise such jobs, including First, edit your resume before you apply. When a call to an interview comes, be sure to dress appropriately, and the job will be yours. We wish you the best of luck!

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