How To Make Money Selling Blog And Website Themes

Website themes entail the design of the overall website look, style, and how people feel about the message you are trying to convey. Likewise, a blog theme is aimed at portraying a certain brand, feel, or message. You must be creative in establishing unique and attractive designs for your website or blog to attract new subscribers and pass the intended message.

Creating blogs requires you to have advanced writing skills, to be creative, and to ensure you have extensive information about the subject you wish to discuss. There are various factors you must consider while creating blogs or website themes. One of these factors is the layout. It is best to select a format that works well on any device.

Also, consider a post format that supports your themes to make the website more relevant. Ensure all your blogs are easy to share via the social media selection that’s growing each day. After checking all these factors, you can start selling your blog and website themes. This career line can earn you a lot of money if you understand the interworkings of it. To learn more, continue reading.


Offer Consulting Services

One of the easiest ways to make money is by offering advice to different clients. You must have unique designs and extensive experience on how to write blogs and come up with website themes. Prepare tutorials for beginners, or even advanced users, that you can share with them for a fee. Also, you can sell your design ideas to the clients.

Create a good portfolio of clients and ask them to send feedback and testimonials so you can attract new subscribers. These testimonials will boost your online sales; thus, it’s an excellent way to make money. You can also ask them to refer potential clients to you.

Sell Plugins

To run a blog, you must have a few plugins, either free or premium ones. If you are familiar with WordPress, consider finding a solution to various problems affecting online users. Nothing is stopping you from making money while selling plugins to your clients. Focus on a specific need that’s affecting a large group. There are various sites to sell your plugins or create a blog or site to advertise the plugins.

Develop And Sell Themes

There are millions of companies hiring designers to formulate a theme for them. Even if you are not conversant with creating a piece, consider joining a team of other professionals or forming your own team to come up with the perfect themes and sell to the companies. After a few attempts, you will become much more competent in creating your own themes.

Theme Customization

Offering customization services will earn you some side income if you are an advanced developer. Consider websites such as Upwork, Freelancer, and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can create your own website to showcase your skills. However, you will need to make sure to generate traffic to this site by doing some advertising.


Bottom Line

If you are an excellent website and blog theme developer, consider earning money by sharing your skills with others. This can be done by providing templates or simply by giving advice. You can also be employed by companies in this field.

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