Acupuncturist: How To Start a Professional Career

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of medicine involving the use of thin, sterile needles to boost body points. Based on the notion of “qi” or power, an acupuncturist uses this practice for pain management. The use of electrical stimulation or the application of heat or pressure may also require acupuncture.

They are trained to diagnose patient problems and to select a suitable point on the body to apply the method and to obtain the required reaction. They can practice with contemporary Western medicine professionals separately or as a member of a team of integrative doctors.


If working in the healthcare industry interests you and you are considering working in acupuncture, read on to learn about getting started in this career.

This is a guide on how to start a career as an acupuncturist.
An acupuncturist uses well-known and safe techniques to reduce pain and treat certain medical conditions. Photo credits to:

Types of Careers for an Acupuncturist

Acupuncture was first created during the Chou dynasty (1030 BC to 221 BC) of Chinese history as a treatment scheme involving the needling of specific points on the body derived from humanity’s philosophical ideas and their relation to the natural setting.

Today, there are different career paths you can explore.

  • Body Acupuncture – This sort of acupuncture is the most prevalent form. It includes the insertion of fine steel needles into multiple body acupuncture points. Every point of acupuncture has a distinct therapeutic effect. The needles are so subtle that when the needle is inserted, minimal discomfort is felt.
  • Auricular Acupuncture – An auricular acupuncturist uses techniques in the treatment of smoking or alcohol addictions. It is also used very effectively for infertility treatment in combination with body acupuncture.
  • Electro Acupuncturist – An electro acupuncturist uses a device of electro-acupuncture that is attached to the top of the needles of body acupuncture. Then, an electrical current stimulates the needles.
  • Magnet Acupuncturist – A magnet acupuncturist uses elastic bands and tiny magnets that are positioned over acupuncture points or held in the location at the acupuncture point. In some pharmacies, these can even be bought and are very useful in the treatment of morning sickness or motion sickness for some patients.

Average Salary for an Acupuncturist

According to OwlGuru, an acupuncturist’s average annual wage is $84,800. Their payments can also be as small as $39,330 if he or she is still a newbie. Obviously, experience and job location will also play a part in how much you can get paid in this career.

Where to Apply to Jobs as an Acupuncturist

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the National Institutes of Health states that the use of acupuncture is increasing. The 2007 NCCAM National Health Interview Survey disclosed that, compared to the 2002 study, one million individuals reported using acupuncture therapy.

After getting an education and training, you can apply online by following these job searching websites.

  • Indeed – Indeed is a leading job search platform today.
  • LinkedIn – LinkedIn shows several job openings in the field of acupuncture and other careers.
  • – This job search platform shows job entries in the field of acupuncture.

How to Apply to Jobs as an Acupuncturist

If you want to become an acupuncturist, you can study acupuncture at any college accredited by the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Accreditation Commission (ACAOM). You can also apply to any identified schools by your government.

Applicants for certified acupuncture colleges must finish at the baccalaureate stage for at least two years of research first, and many colleges require a bachelor’s degree. Acupuncture programs often welcome students from all backgrounds of education, so if you haven’t studied any type of medicine yet, this route can still be followed.

Get a license. In the United States, acupuncturists are required by all but six states to obtain a practice license. The state of California has its own test for acupuncture licenses. However, the remaining countries need acupuncturists to either pass specific NCCAOM exams or finish the NCCAOM certification program. Search for your local requirements to get a license.

By beginning a personal practice, most acupuncturists produce their own employment, after college. These professionals are accountable for running an office or business that includes duties such as billing, scheduling, and getting the necessary equipment and insurance to function.


Acupuncture has a lot to offer to people, especially to their health. If you want to become an acupuncturist, get the right education and training at any accredited colleges or training centers in your city.

If you want to start a career in a health field that massively helps people, click here.

Also read – Discover the 3 Top Paying Medical Careers