How to Become a Sports Agent

A sports agent or sports consultant helps plan careers for athletes. One of his or her most crucial responsibilities is to negotiate contracts between athletes and sports franchises or promoters of events.

Agents also assist players in establishing career goals, selecting teams and activities that suit those goals, and managing their finances.


This professional also helps negotiate endorsement deals, handles issues of public image, and sets up charitable foundations to support the causes of interest of athletes.

Sports Agent
A training or background in law can help sports agents become more effective for the job. Photo credits to: v

Training to Become a Sports Agent

Most law enforcement or business training officers join the profession. Since part of their job is to negotiate contracts, training as a lawyer could help sports agents gain an edge for their clients. For eight years, lawyers attend school, including undergraduate and law school.

Attorneys must pass the bar review in their state after graduating from law school before they can start practicing law. Through learning contract law and sports law, lawyers who are thinking about joining sports management can continue.


A prospective sports agent can complete a degree in sports management if he or she wants to enter the field with a business background. Usually, these courses are delivered by business schools and lead to master’s degrees or MBAs. Nevertheless, many schools offer sports management for undergraduate majors and minors.

Students of sports management programs take courses in subjects such as sports ethics, sports business and finance, sports economics, brand management, marketing strategy, event planning, sports policy, contracts, and negotiation. In a sports management environment, students can also complete one or more internships.

Job Description of a Sports Agent

A sports agent’s most significant role is to serve as an athlete’s representative when negotiating a new contract, contract extensions, or signs of endorsement. Sports agents study market trends and the original contract signatures, make offers and counteroffers and clarify contract details to players while concentrating on the best interests of the individual.


Sports agents handle their clients’ marketing and promotion. They provide news outlets with positive behaviors and activities exhibited by their clients and retain “damage control” when the player with whom they are contracting shows some negative actions.

If they sign successful and efficient athletes, they thrive. To this end, sports agents are often interested in identifying new talent by attending college games and calling players seeking representation. When looking for new customers, sports agents may use cold-calling techniques and referral systems.

Average Salary of a Sports Agent

Sports Management Worldwide estimates someone in this field receives nearly $65,000 as an average annual salary, as of May 2017. The average yearly salary of $31,000 was paid to those in the 10th percentile, while those earning at the highest end of the pay scale would recognize an annual salary of more than $200,000.

Job Prospects for a Sports Agent

There are hundreds of sports development companies throughout the country specialized in various sports, including professional sports and Olympic sports. Contact other organizations that are interested in seeing what opportunities might be available. You may gain some related experience in the sports industry, start as an assistant to a sports agent, or complete an internship.

When you finish your training, you can apply for jobs on this website.

  • IndeedIndeed is a job searching website for almost all careers.


The abilities needed to be a successful sports agent are well translated into other careers that extend to other professional sports management fields. For more information regarding sports-related jobs, click here.

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