How To Become A UPS Delivery Driver

Attaining a UPS delivery driver job is not a walk in the park, but it is possible as long as you put your mind to it. This is one of the jobs with high compensation, full pension, and fantastic benefits. Also, if you are looking for a job that will allow you to have set days off, this is a great job for you.

Perhaps you have seen people driving big delivery trucks and wondering how in the world these people got these jobs. Well, we will show you precisely what you need to land such a job. UPS is a company among the Fortune 500, and they are always looking for employees. Thus, if you’re seeking a job that will last, then consider applying to this company.

If you love driving then this is one of the best jobs for you. In this article, we will show you everything there is to know about being a UPS delivery driver. Continue reading to find out more about this position.

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Eligibility To Become A UPS Delivery Driver

If you would like this position, there are certain requirements you must meet. Check them out below.

Physically Fit

Before you apply for these jobs, you have to ensure you are physically fit and can be able to drive for long distances for extended periods of time. Also, ask yourself, can you carry 200 pounds of delivery boxes? Are you able to pick up heavy boxes without dropping them? If you can fulfill each of these conditions, then you are one step closer to landing your job.

Clean Record

This is a driving job, so if you tend to drink yourself silly or abuse other substances, then this might not be the right career choice for you. Imagine a scenario where you are caught under the influence; that might be the end of your career. So, to avoid all that, be sure to have a clean record before you begin. With that in mind, before beginning work, a drug test can be requested of you.

Physical Appearance

This company is very strict with the kind of drivers they hire. As such, they never hire people with visible tattoos on their arms, legs, neck, or even face. You also must be well-kept with short, clean hair, and no facial hair, except for mustaches. Overall, you must be good-looking.

UPS Hiring Process

Unlike other companies, UPS has specific criteria they follow while hiring their drivers and delivery people. First, each center has a certain number of drivers. As such, they only bring on a new driver when the current one is off sick, fired, or has resigned. So once a slot has opened, people from within can apply. If you fit the bill, you’ll get the job.

Once there is no one within the company who wants that position, that is when they advertise for people from outside to apply. In this system, the priority is given to their current employees first.

Applying For The Job

If you are already working for the company, make use of their website and do a quick search for available slots. Though this feature is not limited to only employees, they rarely hire drivers from outside the company. However, who knows, they could hire you.

Apply To Be A Seasonal Driver

This is another excellent way to get your foot in the door. They usually hire seasonal drivers twice a year, before summer and before Thanksgiving. You can sign up on to get alerts just in case they advertise any jobs. Once you are hired, work hard to impress your boss and colleagues, this is the only way you can leave a good review behind. Be on time, be professional, work hard, and be helpful. You never know, they might ask you to stay.

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Bottom Line

Landing a job with UPS as a delivery driver is not easy. It takes months or years for others to land a driving job with this company. However, it will be worth the wait and patience once you get it.

Also read – Menulog Jobs – 1 Way to Make Extra Money as a Delivery Driver