Join the Peace Corps and Build a Great Resume

The Peace Corps is an autonomous organization and volunteer program that offers international social and economic development assistance managed by the United States Government. For inspired change-makers, the Peace Corps is a service opportunity to immerse themselves in society abroad, working side by side with local leaders to solve our generation’s most pressing challenges.

Volunteers are American citizens who serve abroad for a total of two years after three months of preparation, usually with a college degree.


Volunteers work in education, youth development, community health, industry, information technology, agriculture, and the environment with governments, colleges, non-profit agencies, non-government organizations, and entrepreneurs. Are you interested in joining the Peace Corps? Check out this blog to find out more!

Join the Peace Corps and Build a Great Resume
Image Source: US Embassy in Cambodia

Peace Corps Initiatives

To prevent these diseases from spreading, the Peace Corps seeks to educate community members on the numerous conditions present in developing countries and what remedies exist.

Volunteers are also there to teach community members about modern farming methods to grow food for themselves and each other more efficiently (Peace Corps).


In countries such as Liberia and Ethiopia, the Corps is also a supporter of fair education and moves to allow girls equal education opportunities. In 2015, to implement First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let Girls Learn Initiative, the organization collaborated with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Overall, this organization aims to promote three things.

  • To assist the citizens of interested countries in meeting their needs for men and women who are educated.
  • To help foster a greater understanding on the part of the people served by Americans.
  • On the part of Americans, to help promote a greater understanding of other people.

Benefits of Joining the Peace Corps


The Peace Corps offers a living stipend to each volunteer that allows one to live in a manner comparable to the local people in their community, covering accommodation, food, and incidentals.


Also, volunteers earn two holiday days of service each month, averaging 48 days over two years. Some use this time (at their own expense) to fly to neighboring countries, invite family or friends to visit, or take a trip home.

Medical & Dental Coverage

During service, full medical and dental care is provided by the Peace Corps. It covers all associated costs, including those incurred during the training period and when volunteers are on holiday or other forms of leave.

If a health condition that can not be handled locally arises, the Peace Corps may send the volunteer to a suitable hospital in a neighboring country or the United States at its own cost. Additionally, after service, volunteers are eligible for affordable health care.

Transition Funds

The Peace Corps acknowledges that it takes some adjustment to return from abroad. The Peace Corps receives over $8,000 (pre-tax) to assist with the transition to life back home after the completion of 27 months of service.

This money is to be used as they wish by the returning volunteers.

Boost Career & Resume

In today’s global economy, fluency in foreign languages, international experience, and intercultural understanding are highly sought-after properties.

The Peace Corps provides volunteers with extensive language, intercultural, and technical training up to three months before the start of service and offers continuous training during the service.

Peace Corps Response is a program for returning volunteers and other experienced professionals with more than 10 years of experience that provides short-term high-impact assignments abroad.

Employment Opportunities

Returned volunteers earn non-competitive qualifications for federal government jobs for one year. This ensures that if a returning volunteer meets the minimum requirements for a job, they may be recruited without going through the normal competitive process at the hiring agency’s discretion.

For their years of voluntary service and time in their annual leave group, those employed by the federal government will earn retirement credit after their Peace Corps service.

When they return home to help them plan for their next move, the Peace Corps provides career support explicitly tailored for volunteers.

  • Assisting prospective employers to convert their sector knowledge.
  • Advantages in federal jobs and recruitment opportunities associated with non-competitive eligibility and future retirement credit if they meet requirements.
  • Access to work ads, résumé programs, and career fairs.
  • Such special eligibility by entities classified as National Service Employers for recruiting preferences.

How to Join?

Combine your talents with an opening for volunteers, or go where you are most needed. For step-by-step guidance, from getting started to departure, see the application process.

Click here to start your journey. To understand more about the entire Peace Corps application process, you may also watch this video.

Call this number, 855.855.1961, if you have inquiries or email them at [email protected].

Join the Peace Corps and Build a Great Resume
Image Source: The State Press


The Peace Corps Service is asking you a lot. But it also has a lot to offer. You will receive benefits that last through your Volunteer Service and far beyond when helping others.

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