Top Five Apps to Find Online Writing Jobs

Online writing jobs are one of the many ways to earn a living in today’s modern world. It entails writing articles, projects, and other various texts that can provide a lot of job opportunities for everyone all over the world. If you’re seeking a writing position online, you should also learn how to apply and note that you should not pay money to get a job.

There are numerous apps that provide online writing jobs which makes it easier for you to apply. The apps are quite different but they also play a very important role in connecting potential writers to employers. These apps ensure that you also get paid when you work for your employers.

Check out the article below to find out the top five apps to find online writing jobs.

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Image Source: Upwork

Apps to Find Online Writing Jobs

Freelance writers use different apps to find online writing jobs. Many apps offer different features that cater to the different types of writers to help things get done.

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Image Source: The Balance

Many of these apps help you land a writing job in a matter of minutes as long as you are prepared and have the experience to back it up.

Working freelance has never been easier with these apps. See the list below to learn about the top five apps for online writing jobs.


Upwork is one of the most popular freelance online marketplaces in the world. The platform offers thousands of online jobs every day including online writing jobs. It even features different categories of online writing jobs that will cater to your preferences and skills as a writer.

One of the many advantages of using the Upwork app is that it is very easy to use which makes applying for a job much simpler and faster. You can navigate through the app and search for a specific writing job that you have in mind. You can also check how many users have sent proposals to a job which can help you gauge the possibility of you getting hired.

To use Upwork, sign up for an account and create a profile then start searching for a writing job. Upload your portfolio and make sure that you submit a unique cover letter.


Fiverr is another online platform that you can take advantage of when looking for online writing jobs. This is the perfect marketplace for beginners and professionals alike. You can easily search for jobs and even browse potential employers to see their ratings.

This will help you make an informed decision if you want to pursue a project with a potential client. Fiverr offers a lot of job opportunities with great pay and most payments begin at around $5 but they tend to increase as soon as you gain competency and submit more work.

The app focuses more on micro-jobs which include editing short articles and many other projects like editing WordPress blogs.


If you want to expand your horizons when it comes to online writing jobs, ContentGrow is your best option. You can sign up as a professional freelance writer, create an attractive profile, and simply wait for writing gigs to land on your lap.

You can look at the project description first before you accept the gig. After accepting the invite, you get to see the full details of the project, submit drafts, and topic ideas, and even get to chat with your clients directly.

The platform allows you to create your portfolio by uploading at least six samples so that your potential client can check them out.


Jobble is a great online marketplace where you can find thousands of freelance online jobs ranging from general labor, retail, and online writing jobs. You can use the app to sort and filter jobs when searching for them depending on the category, pay rate, start date, and more.

You can view the job details before applying for them which also includes the salary. You can estimate your potential earnings even before you apply for the writing job and you also get paid instantly.

Gain access to exclusive job offers from prominent companies and receive affordable healthcare and insurance with the help of the app. Get hired and get paid with Jobble.


LinkedIn is probably the most popular app to find online writing jobs. You can build your resume, develop contacts, and expand your network with the help of the app. Search for writing gigs and apply for them using the app.

The LinkedIn app features a wide variety of online writing jobs to choose from and if writing is not your interest, there are thousands more waiting for you to apply. You can easily manage your applications through the app and find career opportunities in every field.

Not only that, but you also connect with new contacts and expand your network. The app also features news and insights that will help you develop your skills to improve your chances of getting hired.

Tips for Getting Online Writing Jobs

If you have finally chosen the app to help you land an online writing job, here are some effective tips on strategies to improve your chances of finding work.

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Image Source: The Ways to Wealth

The initial action you must take is to complete your profile and upload your portfolio. Make sure that your profile provides enough information for your potential clients to see and gauge your writing skills.

Take online assessments and post your certificates on your profile to prove that you have what it takes to write complex articles online.

Build your connections as the freelancing industry can be very volatile at times. You can network with other freelance writers so you can always have writing gigs.

Things to Consider When Looking for Apps to Find Online Writing Jobs

When it comes to choosing the right app for finding online writing jobs, there are certain factors that you need to consider. You must do your research first to see if the apps are legitimate and provide writing jobs.

It is always a red flag if the app or the platform requires you to pay first before you can begin searching or applying for jobs. You should also read the ratings or reviews on the platform so you can see if the clients pay their writers fairly and on time.

When it comes to selecting the right app, choose the app that is highly recommended by the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to avoid getting scammed.


Among the most significant challenges to finding online writing jobs is getting paid. This is why learning the top five apps to find online writing jobs is important so you can determine whether the jobs on the platform are legitimate. Download these apps to get started today.

Also read – Freelance Online Magazine Writer: Start a Successful Career